Protests about the results of democratic elections and referenda will destroy society and end in Tyranny


We are seeing the end of democracy when ‘the mob’ think they are entitled to overturn the result of a general election or a referendum. But the mob should be careful what they wish for – the alternative is government by dictators and historical examples in the last century – Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Tito, Hitler, Franco, Mussolini etc. – are not so very appealing. First the mob drives out a democratically elected government or an existing tyranny, but then a new tyrant arises who murders those who might oppose him (including members of ‘the mob’)

via Protests about the results of democratic elections and referenda will destroy society and end in Tyranny — Tony Anthony J Sargeant

Pieces of Paper – Chamberlain 1938 – Germany – the EU – 3rd and 4th Reich – Paris Climate Agreement – and all that


Well that went well !

A worthless piece of Paper from a Germany intent on creating The 3rd Reich – which would last a thousand years. In fact it lasted less than 12 years.

One wonders how long the 4th Reich (aka EU, aka European Superstate, aka Fortress Europe) will last.

[And talking of worthless pieces of paper there is the Paris Climate Change Agreement – it is easy to sign a piece of paper as a previous Chancellor of Germany discovered – but if there are no sanctions and no enforcement, and there are none in relation to the Paris agreement then it means nothing. So whether the USA signs up to it or not makes no difference]

It follows the full text transcript of Neville Chamberlain’s Peace in Our Time speech, delivered at the Heston Aerodrome near London, UK – September 30, 1938.

Neville Chamberlain - Speech There’s only two things I want to say.

First of all, I have received an immense number of letters during all these anxious times, and so has my wife. Letters of support, and approval, and gratitude and I can’t tell you what an encouragement that has been to me. I want to thank the British people for what they have done.

Next. And next I want to say that the settlement of the Czechoslovakian problem, which has now been achieved is, in my view, only the prelude to a larger settlement in which all Europe may find peace.

This morning I had another talk with the German Chancellor, Herr Hitler, and here is the paper which bears his name upon it as well as mine. Some of you, perhaps, have already heard what it contains but I would just like to read it to you,

“We, the German Fuhrer and Chancellor, and the British Prime Minister, have had a further meeting today and are agreed in recognizing that the question of Anglo-German relations is of the first importance for the two countries and for Europe.

“We regard the agreement signed last night and the Anglo-German naval agreement as symbolic of the desire of our two peoples never to go to war with one another again.

“We are resolved that the method of consultation shall be the method adopted to deal with any other questions that may concern our two countries and we are determined to continue our efforts to remove possible sources of difference and thus to contribute to assure the peace of Europe.

[Chamberlain later appeared together with the King and Queen on the Buckingham Palace balcony. Still later, he spoke from the window of 10 Downing Street the following:]
My good friends,

This is the second time in our history that there has come back from Germany to Downing Street peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. And now I recommend you to go home and sleep quietly in your beds.


Post Script

Just 2 years and 8 months after this speech the maternal grandparents of Anthony Sargeant went home to ‘sleep quietly’ in their beds in the Anderson Shelter at the bottom of their garden on the Bellingham Council Estate in South London. They were killed by a German High Explosive bomb on the last night of the London Blitz which targeted civilian populations in pursuit of German domination of Europe