Stowe in December 2016



Anthony Sargeant went for a walk around the grounds of Stowe on the 22nd December 2016 with his friend Trish. It was a beautiful clear crisp winter’s day and the magnificent Capability Brown grounds made for an invigorating walk. Here the view is back up towards the house but inside the deep HaHa.

Isle of Skye, Scotland



Anthony J Sargeant took this photograph during a wonderful holiday on the Isle of Skye. It was taken close to the summit of the hill where the rock pinnacle known as the Old Man of Storr stands. Here we are looking down towards the narrow stretch of water separating the Island of Raasay from the Eastern coast of Skye, A glorious day and a wonderful holiday.

Pheasant in a Shropshire Garden – Photograph by Anthony Sargeant



Tony Sargeant took this photograph of a cock pheasant on the lawn of his Shropshire (UK) home one frosty morning in February 2016. The countryside in Shropshire has many Pheasants and it is not unusual to see them wondering around the garden – until the dog or cat chases them off of course.

The Shropshire River Corve in flood – March 2014



Anthony Sargeant took this photograph at 4.00 pm in March 2014 from the bedroom window of his Shropshire home. The River Corve normally a few metres in width had flooded across the meadows. With the constant rain of this day (6th February 2016) we are quite likely to see a repeat as the water moves down off the surrounding hills into the River Corve. It is good that the house is safely above the flood plain sitting as it does on a rocky outcrop.